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Project - Custom Cherry MX Keys

Silent Thunder Ordnance

Your tools are things you interact with daily. Better tools make for better, and more enjoyable work, which in turn makes for better results. Those of us who flog a keyboard for a living, sooner or later, tend to stumble across mechanical keyboards and quickly become hooked. Sure mechanical keys last longer, are more precise, etc. but ultimately those are just rationalizations. Really, being able to precisely control the force and feel of your keystroke is why we love them. Cherry MX switches are currently the most popular, and for good reason. Whether you love the keyboard equivalent of debilitating garlic breath with Cherry Blues, you’re a psychopath and demand Cherry Reds, or have no imagination so like Cherry Browns we don’t judge. (you freaks)

We all use them, but of course we all love customization too. Mod it, tweak it, pimp it, put a sticker on it, whatever. Someone just HAD to make custom keys, as if that were an original idea…… (no points for guessing which flavour switches he uses) They actually came out pretty cool, I think anyway. He did two models, both command row keys but one as an exact match for a “typical” mould (ducky if you’re asking, bottom row in the above picture), the other extra tall for a single stand-out escape key (top row in the picture).
